It's been quite a while since I've posted... I started a draft of a basic Sony Vegas Pro tutorial but haven't been working on it. To be honest, I often forget that I even have this blog. :P But I like teaching people about video editing and I like talking about my own experiences with it and how I do things, so hopefully I'll be able to remember more often.
In the meantime, I've been writing down a ton of "symptoms" that I think a lot of YTPers experience - I know I do - in one of my notebooks during church, just out of boredom. Today I got the idea to post what I have so far on here, so I shall do just that.
You know you're a YouTube Pooper when...
-You can't watch anything without thinking of everything you can do to it
-People often give you strange looks because you think of new spoof ideas in public and laugh to yourself
-You amuse yourself at otherwise boring social events by thinking of ways to edit other people's conversations, and you wish you had recordings of them
-You think of so many spoof ideas that you don't even remember, let alone get around to making, all of them
-You quote YTPs, even the heavily edited ones with impossible vocal sounds
-You download random things from the Internet because you just know they'll be good YTP material, even if you don't know exactly what you'll use them for yet
-You have a million unfinished projects and are always starting new ones
-Video material takes up most of your computer space and you've been meaning to clean it out for a while
-Random spoofs and sounds from YTPs pop into your head at random times and sometimes result in you bursting out laughing for no apparent reason
-You record quotes and sounds off TV to use in YTPs (well, I could do this when we had DirecTV, but now we have Vios which you can't watch on a computer *grrrr*)
-You were upset when the Nickelodeon shows were removed from Netflix because they have so much YTP material
-Downloaders, converters and recording software are your best friends
-You've tried to imagine what it would be like if real life were like a YTP
-You have a growing collection of GIFs, sound effects and random music that you never delete in case you ever want to use it again
-You consider YTP an art form
-You question the sense of humor of people who don't laugh at YTPs
-You hate copyright and have sworn to fight it until your dying day
-Your Videos folder is a hopeless mess
-You've seen too many YTPs of politicians to take any of them seriously
-You'll never watch Spongebob, Blue's Clues, etc. the same way again
-You refer to original content as "unpooped"
-You know who Michael Rosen is
-You're familiar with converters, different file types, vocoders, etc. and your relatives think you're a computer genius
-You want to reverse, G-major, and vocode absolutely everything
-You are thrilled when your favorite YTPers subscribe to you (but you try to hide your excitement online so you won't look lame)
-You YTP videos of people you know and show them
-You refer to all funny video editing as "pooping"
-Most of the computer-related stuff you say to people goes right over their heads
-You know and appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into a quality YTP
-Advanced software like Sony Vegas Pro makes you feel omnipotent (especially when you learn how to use it... haha)
That about sums it up. If I think of more, I'll post them in a new entry.
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